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Strength & Injury Prevention for Women Runners Age 30+

Work with your female physiology to be a strong injury-free runner for life! In under 2 hours you'll learn:

  • Injury prevention myths & truths.
  • How to break free from being injury-prone.
  • Root causes of common injuries like hip, knee, back, sciatic, calf & SI joint pain.
  • Where we get stuck + what to do instead.
  • A 5-minute simple running warm up to troubleshoot your body's needs & prevent injuries before they start.
  • Best strength exercises, rep ranges & special considerations for women age 30 & beyond.
  • A quick corrective hip & S.I. reset that changes the game!

What's Included:

  • 30-day access to videos with portable audio.
  • A detailed guide so you retain what you learn.
  • Email follow up for your questions.

Cheers to strong women runners,

Louise Valentine, MPH, CHES, CSCS, ACSM-EP, CPT, EIM II, LMT, American College of Sports Medicine Practitioner of the Year, Health Education Specialist of the Year, Expert Advisor Runner's World & more!

Here's What Runners Are Saying:

This makes so much sense & was VERY eye-opening! I applied what I learned to see immediate improvements in running with less pain, better energy & performance. The hip reset exercise has been a game changer in achieving what women are told is impossible: injury-free PRs in my 50s! THANK YOU!

Ann, Award-Winning Doctor & Runner

My biggest takeaway is the simple things I can incorporate into my everyday life to prevent injuries! I did the warm up & felt SO MUCH BETTER!

Sarah, Busy Mom & Ultrarunner