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Root Causes Why My Perimenopausal Body is Gaining Weight Despite Eating Well


Unexpected weight gain or stubborn fat loss when you are eating well or keeping calories low is incredibly frustrating for active women.

With hormones changing age 35+, we must understand critical elements to protect our metabolism, gut health, keep inflammation low & adjust our wellness lifestyle to complement our fitness, fat loss & performance goals.

Watch the video above for a deep dive into various root causes why my body is rapidly gaining weight WHILE I'm on a liquid diet, fasting, eating low calorie & using methods diet culture tells us would typically result in weight loss.  It is in fact the complete opposite for active women & runners age 35 & over!

Enjoy learning why my female body is fighting me as a perfect example of common root causes of weight gain in this oh so interesting perimenopausal phase of life!

Link to resources mentioned:

Learn details of our 1:1 program that empowers you with personalized coaching & comprehensive strategies to work with your changing female body to feel your best & achieve your goals here.

Our top 50 podcast deep dives into the what, why & how of fitness, fat loss, nutrition & running strategies that work with our female physiology here. 

Take our All About Gut Health & How to Restore It mini course here.

Get free travel packs + a free 1 year's supply of vitamin D with purchase of Athletic Greens here.

Join my weekly newsletter with simple science-based strategies & get our free nutrition guide to maximize your health, fitness or running despite changing hormones!