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Is Running Bad for Women Over 40? What You Need to Know!



You may be shocked to learn running can work against women's health & fitness age 35 & beyond... if we don't change our training & nutrition to accommodate for changes in our female physiology, specifically our hormones.

In this video I share:

  • The "stress tipping point", a concept essential to being a healthy, fit & resilient runner for life!
  • Daily nutrition strategies that support your best health, fitness, running & longevity.
  • What is low inflammatory eating, why does it matter & how do you do it without a diet?
  • What is insulin resistance, why does it matter & what can you do about it?
  • How much protein should you eat per day?
  • Why plant-based protein isn't the best for our female physiology.
  • Why plant-based living isn't all or nothing.
  • How to protect your muscles, bones, hormones & health.
  • How can we maximize ability to stay injury-free as we age?
  • Can we still run marathons & ultras without injury, burnout or health consequences?
  • Simple ways to protect your hormones (aka the ability to feel, look & run your best).
  • Running for weight loss, how to ditch a cortisol belly & more!

We CAN be a strong runner for life with the right simple science-based approach! Share this video with a friend who needs to hear this message. 

Ready for next-level 1:1 support to achieve your goals? Learn more here!

Join my weekly newsletter with simple science-based strategies & get our free nutrition guide to maximize your health, fitness or running despite changing hormones!