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10 Simple Alcohol Hacks to Keep Your Health, Fitness & Running Goals on Track



If you're like my husband & I, you still enjoy less healthful food & drink choices despite being a dedicated runner, health or fitness enthusiast.

Although I typically don't push the limits of alcohol use too far, celebrating my husband's 20th high school reunion was a BIG night out... and it hurt the next day!  In this video, I walk through a real-life example of how I used 10 science-based hacks to keep my health, fitness & running goals on track during & after our alcohol-filled evening.

As I share these 10 strategies, think about how you can apply them to quickly restore your body's energy & health when you choose to drink.

The not-so-fun truth about alcohol is that it really does impact our body, even more so age 35 & beyond!  In fact, despite my best efforts, after this video I STILL got sick!  

Here's why:  I teach a concept to those that I coach called "the stress tipping point" & for each person, it's bioindividual. I consider myself what I call a "Sensitive Sarah", meaning rarely can I afford to make poor nutrition choices like using significant amounts of alcohol.  It simply over-stresses my body due to the disrupted sleep, dehydration & toxicity that accompanies its use.  

Additionally, phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification also slows down as we age.  I personally know, per lab testing, that my body has a very hard time detoxifying on its own (likely genetic).  You can see how alcohol use + aging + my body's individual genes quickly adds up.  

Then, consider other stress factors about my lifestyle: If I add in the "good" stress of exercise + stress of being a go-go-go mom of 2 + stress of traveling hours in a car to & from this event... adding in more than a few poor drink choices simply put my body over my stress tipping point edge. As a result, the minute my body was exposed to a cold virus it didn't have the resilience to fight it off.

While navigating our body's needs age 35 & beyond becomes more challenging, we can learn simple ways to work with it.  Then, we can do our best to make informed & empowered choices to be healthy, fit & resilient for life.  If looking to better understand your body's need & how to work with it to achieve your goals, learn more about my 1:1 coaching services here. 

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