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Welcome to Breaking Through Wellness

Industry-Leading* Holistic Support for Active Women & Runners: Mitigate Hormone Havoc & Maximize Your Perimenopause Potential... with more energy, less stress & sustainable success! 

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*list of top U.S. & world-leading awards below
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Hormones wreaking havoc? Welcome to the right place!


See Academy details, FAQ & reviews below.

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Work with your changing hormones & unlock your best:

I'm Ready to Feel My Best!

Hi! I'm Louise, a world-leading expert empowering active women & runners to rewrite our age 35+ story from good to great or burned out to badass! 21 years as a women's holistic health practitioner & exercise scientist I've helped 1,000s, from work in the NFL to Runner's World, Today Show, research with the U.S. military & designing award-winning programs in health tech, functional medicine, etc.

After turning my own health, fitness & hormone breakdowns into breakthroughs, I knew I had to create our female-specific science-based Academy so my fellow active women & runners never have to experience the same dismissal of symptoms, overwhelm or lack of simple & effective answers!

You are fully capable of working WITH your changing hormones WITHOUT overcomplicating it to mitigate symptoms & maximize vibrant good health, energy, fitness or strong running for life!

Our practical learning experience & proven award-winning methods help you feel your best fast & empower you to achieve the "Holy shit, this is actually sustainable!" results ALL women deserve!

It starts with a consult to review your goals & confirm we're a good fit. Let's unlock your best!

Get a Free 30-Minute Consult Here

Badass Breakthrough Academy Includes:

  • 6 months Academy access to learn at your own pace
  • 6 months 1:1 detailed coaching support from an expert who cares
  • 1:1 sessions customized to you with printable game plans
  • step-by-step practical modules, portable audio, cheatsheets & checklists designed for a busy life
  • get unstuck fast in session 1 with line-by-line feedback on your food, symptoms & exercise log
  • options for customized running, endurance fueling, sustainable fat loss &/or leaning out plans
  • 2 x month Q&As, masterclasses (recorded if you can't make it live)
  • 20 to 30-minute expert curated female 35+-specific strength plans, instructional videos, PDFs guides, fitness strategies, injury comeback plans, mobility + running resources
  • private (non-Facebook) community with other motivated & wellness-minded active women
  • discounts with partner wellness & supplement companies
  • (if needed) best practice integrative health labs, hormone panels, etc
  • Invest in one simple holistic program to unlock your sustainable success: $2500 or 6 x $417/month!
  • After 6 months: Remain in our Community, get updated cutting-edge methods, masterclasses, workouts, etc. for only $37/month!
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Our Unparalleled Expertise to Maximize Your Success

  • Named American College of Sports Medicine Professional of Year 2023 
  • Named #1 Certified Health Education Specialist in the U.S. 2020
  • MPH w/ a focus on active women
  • Research Fellowship & Practicums
  • Published Health, Fitness, Running, Nutrition & Performance Researcher
  • Trained under top strength & conditioning experts in the NFL, MLB
  • Certified Exercise Physiologist, Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Integrative Nutrition & Wellness
  • Contributing Expert to Runner's World, Today Show, Well & Good, etc.
  • 5 Years as a Practitioner in the NFL
  • Active Committee Member, American College of Sports Medicine
  • Top 40 Fitness & Running Podcast
  • Top 100 U.S. Small Business 2023
  • Top Small Business in Delaware 2023
  • Top 10 Performance Coach 2021
  • Best-Selling Sports Science Author
  • Contributing author to a new authoritative fat loss textbook
I'm Ready to Unlock My Best!

I didn't learn this in med school! Everything is so easy-to-follow. At an age where I'm supposed to be watching my body break down, I'm watching it get stronger! I look more fit & am more energized during my long & busy work days. I didn't think it was possible to PR my marathon in my 50s & not need Advil afterwards, but I now know how to train & fuel WITH my female body! I highly recommend, trust & refer out to Badass Breakthrough Academy for any active female who wants optimal health, longevity, fitness or to run strong for life!

Nancy, Physician

When I joined, I thought it was a long shot, but I was ready to fight to feel like myself again. I didn't want perimenopause to mean I have to lay down & die! In 2 weeks I lost weight, went from 5 hours of terrible sleep to sleeping like a baby & no longer had mood swings. My libido is back, my muscle definition improves weekly & heavy periods eased without an ablation or medication! Everything is so kept practical that, for the first time ever, I'm confident this is sustainable.

Charlotte, Nurse & Mom to 4

In my late 30s I was feeling fat & slow, like I was doing all the right things & it shouldn't be this hard! I lost 17 pounds, learned how to listen to my body & lean out without tedious tracking. Louise is a very response coach, creates resources as you need them & has amazing mindset, nutrition, fat loss & recovery hacks that fit my busy life!

Jen, Former U.S. Olympian

I was really discouraged, feeling like running was taking everything from me rather than fulfilling me. I have immense gratitude for the practical coaching, videos & handouts that explain everything. I no longer have headaches, struggle with psoriasis or lethargy! I understand why I bloat, why I get headaches & know how to keep inflammation low. I feel stronger every day & I actually look forward to running again! It took only weeks in this program to get rid of chronic pain & issues in my hip vs. years of PT that left me frustrated. Months later, I ran a 5K at a pace I hadn't seen in YEARS! When I joined I wanted to find my strength again & figure out how to handle this changing body. This program helped me do that & so much more. I feel like a whole new woman - thank you, thank you!

Cara, Busy Mom & CEO

I went from terrible hot flashes, cravings, considering a hysterectomy & HRT to my strongest yet. I joined this program for myself, but when my husband & kids commented how fit I look & asked to learn the nutrition strategies I was, I realized how much female-specific nutrition & training changes EVERYTHING! Now, we're all getting healthier, more fit & stronger together. The Breaking Through Wellness ripple effect is priceless!

Cathy, Mental Health Counselor 

Despite working in the medical field for years & feeling like I knew a lot about my health, eating well, weight loss & strength training, I'm blown away by my experience! I went off HRT within 2 months & threw away most supplements. Acne my Dermatologist couldn't help is gone. I love that I know WHY I can't sleep, how to target specific areas of my body with strength training & have fat loss plans that are simple & easily modifiable without feeling restricted. I'm SO grateful to no longer be slowing down, feeling aches when I run, juggling diets or perimenopause "solutions." As my understanding of my body deepens & is kept simple to fit my busy life, I'm proud to be creating ease in feeling, looking & running my best for life!

Melissa, Health Educator

Thank you for giving me my wife back. I couldn't stand watching her wake up at 4:30, do endless Peloton, diet, feel miserable with bloating & poor sleep. She's finally seeing results that reflect how hard she works to take care of herself & fueling her body to perform. I've lost weight & improved fitness with your tips, too! Game changers! To say this program paid for itself is an understatement. Even our kids are learning more of the right timing & types of food. It's made such a difference!

A Client's Husband :)


I started working with Louise to unlock my ultra running potential by dialing in nutrition & fitness to support energy, gut health & perimenopause. I learned way more than expected & implementing suggestions was manageable. Louise has a style that makes unlocking potential less daunting & more exciting because results are seen & felt in days & weeks, not months. I now recover fast & accomplished my goal to go from middle to the front of the pack. I'm so glad we worked together!

Heather, Mom of 3, Business Owner

I appreciate how well presented, practical & concise everything in this program is! For the first time, I feel heard as a female, getting detailed support when I need it. My body is dropping weight for the first time in years, sleep is vastly improved, my period cramps & mood swings are mitigated, mental clarity is back & blood sugar concerns I'd had for years are gone. I love that I can eat a meal out without guilt, knowing how to tune into my body's needs & break free from a diet mindset!

Sarah, Teacher & Busy Mom

At age 32 I was near rock bottom with my hormone & gut health! I had rapid belly fat gain, intense night sweats, a hamstring injury that wouldn't quit, increased anxiety, depression & my running was diminishing. I thought I was doing everything right & didn't want to accept it was "just age." Within 1 month, I got rid of gut inflammation & my body was processing nutrition like it's supposed to. At 4 months, most hormonal issues stopped. After getting back to a healthy baseline, I lost 12 lbs. (most of it belly fat!) while building muscle & feel SO MUCH better! Reducing inflammation was finally what allowed my body to recover from an 18-month injury. Advice tailored to my activity level & symptoms was definitely the game-changer, but I got a lot out of the balanced whole foods approach, masterclasses & coached fat loss program! Now, I know how to continue to lose fat, lean out, improve my running & feel my best.

Julie, Professor & Researcher

The programs (Louise) Valentine develops exemplify the impact one can have when they move scientific findings into evidence-based practice. By working to meet women's unique physical activity, health & wellness needs, Louise is following in the footsteps other industry-leading lights like the founder of the Female Athlete Triad.

American College of Sports Medicine Practitioner of the Year 2023 Press Release

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