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Welcome to Breaking Through Wellness

World-Leading* Holistic Results for Active Women & Runners to Mitigate Perimenopause Symptoms: Feel Your Best, Maximize a Fit Toned Physique or Run Strong & Injury-Free... with a hell of a lot less stress!

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*top U.S. & world-leading awards listed below.  🇺🇸 A military spouse owned company 🇺🇸
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Feeling stuck in your health, fitness, fat loss or running? Welcome to the right place!


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Next-Level Support to Unlock Your Potential


 "The programs (Louise) Valentine develops exemplify the impact one can have when they move scientific findings into evidence-based practice, working to meet women's unique physical activity, health & wellness needs."

-American College of Sports Medicine Certified Practitioner of the Year 2023 Press Release

 More than 35 symptoms are associated with peri/menopause. These changes start in our 30s, can be silent, devastating & permanent unless addressed. You're in the right place to ensure this is NOT your story:


I'm Ready to Feel My Best!

You do not have to do perimenopause alone, nor should it be confusing, complicated or suck:

I'm Ready to Unlock My Potential!

Our Awards & Accolades

Hi! I'm Louise, a mom, Army spouse, world-leading exercise physiologist, scientist & women's integrative health practitioner.

Stuck with low hormones most of my life, EVERY aspect of my well-being was impacted, from feeling depressed, anxious & overwhelmed to a poor immune system, bloating, fat gain despite eating well, brain fog, belly fat, life-altering fatigue, shitty sleep, blood sugar crashes, muscle/bone loss, never looking like I worked out, injuries, cravings, mood swings, low libido, hot flashes, etc...

I advocated for myself, but was dismissed, told there was nothing I could do about it or that I "needed" a lifetime of meds. I knew there HAD to be a better way, as no woman should ever be faced with endless health diagnoses or be told it's her inevitable fate to feel, look & run like shit.

Over my 21-year career working with 1,000s in pro sports, clinical practice, health & performance research with the U.S. military & award-winning holistic program design, I dove into the cutting-edge science, studied root causes WHY our female body gets stuck & how to address them to unlock our badass potential with sustainable success.

Turns out, when we're given the fundamental right of learning how our female body works & SIMPLE science-backed strategies to support our best energy, hormones, gut health & metabolism that actually fit our busy high-demand lives, our female body can absolutely kick ass! However, we live in a world driving us in the opposite direction with endless counterproductive solutions like low carb diets, fasting, macro tracking, fitness fads, bandaid supplements & meds. So, I had to do something about it, as NO woman should ever be trying so darn hard yet stuck as f*ck like I was.

Now, my world-leading Academy is reshaping an industry, empowering you to match your nutrition, holistic wellness & fitness strategy to your unique female physiology & changing hormones to get unstuck fast & efficiently go from good to great or burned out to badass with life-changing ease.

Ready to work with your female body to finally unlock the "Holy shit, this is actually sustainable!" health, fitness or running results you deserve?!

It starts with a free consult to review your goals, where you feel stuck & confirm we're a good fit. As you can see by reading testimonials below, we coach a variety of amazing active women ready to ditch B.S. solutions, overwhelm & feeling like crap FOR GOOD. Let's make that happen for you, too:

I'm Ready to Unlock My Potential!

I didn't learn this in med school! Everything is so easy-to-follow. At an age where I'm supposed to be watching my body break down, I'm watching it get stronger! I look more fit & am more energized during my long & busy work days. I didn't think it was possible to PR my marathon in my 50s & not need Advil afterwards, but I now know how to train & fuel WITH my female body! I highly recommend, trust & refer out to Badass Breakthrough Academy for any active female who wants optimal health, longevity, fitness or to run strong for life!

Nancy, Physician

Get ready to log into the Academy & think, "Holy crap, she gets me!" You can expect to immediately feel seen, be fully heard in 1:1 sessions & understand how to work with your female body in a life-changing new way. This program is far ahead of the science, as Louise has already lived through what she teaches. Despite a husband deployed, 4 kids & a full-time practice, I am feeling stronger, more energized & fit every day despite the most stressful phase of my life yet! 

Heather, Duke Trained Nurse Practitioner

When I joined, I thought it was a long shot, but I was ready to fight to feel like myself again. I didn't want perimenopause to mean I have to lay down & die! In 2 weeks I lost weight, went from 5 hours of terrible sleep to sleeping like a baby & no longer had mood swings. My libido is back, my muscle definition improves weekly & heavy periods eased without an ablation or medication! Everything is so kept practical that, for the first time ever, I'm confident this is sustainable.

Charlotte, Nurse & Mom to 4

In my late 30s I was feeling fat & slow, like I was doing all the right things & it shouldn't be this hard! I lost 17 pounds, learned how to listen to my body & lean out without tedious tracking. Louise is a very response coach, creates resources as you need them & has amazing mindset, nutrition, fat loss & recovery hacks that fit my busy life!

Jen, Former U.S. Olympian

I was really discouraged, feeling like running was taking everything from me rather than fulfilling me. I have immense gratitude for the practical coaching, videos & handouts that explain everything. I no longer have headaches, struggle with psoriasis or lethargy! I understand why I bloat, why I get headaches & know how to keep inflammation low. I feel stronger every day & I actually look forward to running again! It took only weeks in this program to get rid of chronic pain & issues in my hip vs. years of PT that left me frustrated. Months later, I ran a 5K at a pace I hadn't seen in YEARS! When I joined I wanted to find my strength again & figure out how to handle this changing body. This program helped me do that & so much more. I feel like a whole new woman - thank you, thank you!

Cara, Busy Mom & CEO

I went from terrible hot flashes, cravings, considering a hysterectomy & HRT to my strongest yet. I joined this program for myself, but when my husband & kids commented how fit I look & asked to learn the nutrition strategies I was, I realized how much female-specific nutrition & training changes EVERYTHING! Now, we're all getting healthier, more fit & stronger together. The Breaking Through Wellness ripple effect is priceless!

Cathy, Mental Health Counselor 

Despite working in the medical field for years & feeling like I knew a lot about my health, eating well, weight loss & strength training, I'm blown away by my experience! I went off HRT within 2 months & threw away most supplements. Acne my Dermatologist couldn't help is gone. I love that I know WHY I can't sleep, how to target specific areas of my body with strength training & have fat loss plans that are simple & easily modifiable without feeling restricted. I'm SO grateful to no longer be slowing down, feeling aches when I run, juggling diets or perimenopause "solutions." As my understanding of my body deepens & is kept simple to fit my busy life, I'm proud to be creating ease in feeling, looking & running my best for life!

Melissa, Health Educator

Thank you for giving me my wife back. I couldn't stand watching her wake up at 4:30, do endless Peloton, diet, feel miserable with bloating & poor sleep. She's finally seeing results that reflect how hard she works to take care of herself & fueling her body to perform. I've lost weight & improved fitness with your tips, too! Game changers! To say this program paid for itself is an understatement. Even our kids are learning more of the right timing & types of food. It's made such a difference!

A Client's Husband :)


I started working with Louise to unlock my ultra running potential by dialing in nutrition & fitness to support energy, gut health & perimenopause. I learned way more than expected. Louise has a style that makes unlocking potential less daunting & more exciting because results are seen & felt in days & weeks, not months. I recover so much faster & accomplished my goal to go from middle to the front of the pack!

Heather, Mom of 3, Business Owner

I appreciate how well presented & practical everything in this program is! I feel so heard, getting detailed support when I need it. My body is dropping weight for the first time in years, sleep vastly improved, my period cramps, blood sugar concerns & mood swings are gone with mental clarity back. I love that I can eat a meal out without guilt, knowing how to tune into my body's needs & break free from a diet mindset!

Sarah, Teacher & Busy Mom

At age 32 I was near rock bottom with my hormone & gut health! I had rapid belly fat gain, intense night sweats, a hamstring injury that wouldn't quit, increased anxiety, depression & my running was diminishing. I thought I was doing everything right & didn't want to accept it was "just age." Within 1 month, I got rid of gut inflammation & my body was processing nutrition like it's supposed to. At 4 months, most hormonal issues stopped. After getting back to a healthy baseline, I lost 12 lbs. (most of it belly fat!) while building muscle & feel SO MUCH better! Reducing inflammation was finally what allowed my body to recover from an 18-month injury. Advice tailored to my activity level & symptoms was definitely the game-changer, but I got a lot out of the balanced whole foods approach, masterclasses & coached fat loss program! Now, I know how to continue to lose fat, lean out, improve my running & feel my best.

Julie, Professor & Researcher

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